Quantum Pendant

The Quantum Pendant utilizes specialized quantum physics, geometry and vibration harnessing technologies to help synergize the power of the human body's bio-energy system and allows it to run with optimum performance. Known as chi, or life force energy in some cultures, it runs through meridian points in our body. The Quantum Pendant's technology actually helps to repel interference frequencies that block the free flow of this energy throughout the body.

The Quantum Science Scalar Energy Pendant is a wearable handmade jewelry pendant made from special Japanese volcanic lava containing over 70 natural minerals that emit energy, which positively benefits the body. Manufactured and processed under extreme temperature before it is coagulated to form bio-ceramics under low temperature treatment and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. When the electrical properties of our cells are balanced, it will automatically promote natural healing because the cells become active in doing their respective jobs in the body system.

  • Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body by facilitating the entry of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells
  • Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules (micro-clusters) which has better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers
  • Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation
  • Reducing inflammation 
  • Improving brain power by increasing mental focus, enhancing creativity and calming the mind
  • Wear on a chain or carry it in your pocket - The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the body’s bio-field. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body
  • Wear the pendant over the neck for general well being – place the pendant over the forehead, or gently rub the sides of the pendant along the top of your eyebrows for headaches and relaxation
  • Place it over the abdomen for stomachaches and PMS pains
Quantum Pendant is created from technically engineered natural mineral particles which are specifically graded to isolate certain sized particles, targeted for their inherent resonance. The particles are then recombined using Nano Fusion technology in specific ratios, fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level by using several high heat fusion methods.The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy, developing a long lasting natural scalar resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural nano molecular structure.The renewed molecular structure is similar to those found in healthy natural spring water. Like fruit and vegetables the body slowly loses its nano molecular structure, as we age the cells have less ability to absorb liquid, the cell can be re-hydrated at a molecular level to provide energy liquid, using the Quantum Pendant.Quantum Pendants are non- magnetic, not electrical and require no maintenance. 
