Nut Grass use of In and Out

Nut Grass Supplement and   Rishi Oil  ( Including Nut Grass) 

Nutgrass, despite its reputation as a weed, has a long history of medicinal use in both traditional Chinese medicine and the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine considers it the primary herb for regulating qi, or vital energy, and Ayurveda uses it to treat and digestive disorders. Nutgrass is used to treat nausea, menstrual conditions, and digestive problems, and it is used as a tool for reducing pain and relaxing muscles. 

  • The paste of nut grass is used in treating skin related ailments like scabies and eczema and helps in relieving itching.
  • The paste is used in increasing the size of the breasts. It also purifies the breast milk, improves eyesight and helps in eye related ailments.
  • The extract from the roots is instilled into eyes in conjunctivitis, to reduce the pain, redness and ocular discharges.
  • Nut grass, when taken in powdered form, improves digestive system, removes worms from the gastro-intestinal tract, curbs infection and purifies blood.
  • The powder is massaged to reduce the subcutaneous fat deposition in case of obese people.
  • It normalizes the menstrual disturbances and breast discomfort and maintains normal body temperature.
  • Nut grass proves useful in diseases like psychosis and epilepsy and mental diseases.
  • The herb helps in healing wounds and uterine contraction and provides strength to the body.
  • It is used as a diuretic to treat ulcers and as an emmenagogue and an ingredient in warm plasters.
  • The herb proves to be a keen stimulant in appetite, digestion and digestion of ama.
  • Nut grass is an effective remedy for distaste, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis and dyspepsia. 
  • It is considered the best herb for treating any type of fever.
  • The root is often used for developing high memory.
  • Nut grass is beneficial in treating cough and asthma, since it alleviates the kapha.
  • The herb harmonizes liver, spleen, and pancreas. It helps in curing thirst, bronchitis, dysuria and poisonous affections.
  • It is often used as an insect repellent for perfuming clothing.

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