Breast Reduce / Enhance Cream - විසඳුම අපෙන්

විශ්වාසනීය ආරක්ෂිත ආලේපනයක් , තවත් ප්‍රමාද නොවී අපහසුතාවයෙන් මිඳෙන්න. හැඩකාර පෙනුමක් සමග තවත් ප්‍රතිලාභ.නිල භාවිතය මගින් ඉක්මන් ප්‍රතිපල. දැනුවත් කිරීම නොමිලේ. 

Rs: 1370.00

Brest Enhancing / Reducing natural cream. No need to suffer call for our team members to get know using techniques. 


To reduce breast size naturally fast without surgery might be one of the best decision you can make.The breast lies directly above the chest (pectoralis) muscle. It is made up of fatty tissues (adipose tissues) and milk producing tissues (glandular tissues) and the ratio of fatty tissues to glandular tissues varies with individual. For example, at the beginning menopause, the fatty tissues in the breast increases while the glandular tissues diminishes.While small breasts may cause aesthetic discomfort due to perceived failure to achieve certain beauty standards, large breasts have been associated with various forms of complaints and serious health problems.

Common problems of large breast include

  • Back ache
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Numbness in the fingers and hand: often as a result of weight on the shoulders pulling on nerves behind the collar bone
  • Migraine (headache)
  • Short breath
  • Chafing(a skin condition caused by skin rubbing)
  • Heat rash
  • Permanent indentation on the shoulders as a result of bra strap
  • Limited physical activities: Aerobic activities such as jogging or running may be uncomfortable or impossible and lack of physical activity itself causes weight gain, bad physical condition and health problems
  • Yeast infection

Bad emotional condition: Apart from difficulty in finding fitting clothes, teenagers with large breasts are especially vulnerable to teasing which may lead to poor emotional condition and make them unhappy with their appearance.

Yoga posture for natural size breast 

Causes of Large Breast Size

Increase in breast size is a normal development in the female. It often starts at puberty and may reoccur again throughout life time as a result of several reasons. Breast size is essentially determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. While genes are beyond our control, lifestyle modifications may be effective in reducing bust size. Knowing the factors responsible for your big breast will help to resolve the problem and reduce breast size faster.

Here are some common causes of big boobs

  • Genetic factor
  • Weight gain
  • Hormonal fluctuation
  • Lactation
  • Drugs side effect

Doing daily cardio exercise for 30-60 minutes and apply APEX Cream (Reuse or Enhance) will help to burn fat from all over your body, enhance flat stomach naturally and gradually reduce the size of your breasts.It is essential to focus on low impact cardio exercises since most women who have very large breasts simply can’t do high impact exercises like jogging or running.


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